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Occurrence of Peanut Wilting Disease Caused by Pythium myriotylum in Korea

작성자 : 조회수 : 27 등록일 : 2024.02.13

작물기초기반과 최수연

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the widely cultivated crops in the world and is also popular as health food because they contain good sourse of vitamins and fiber. In Korea, peanut is repeatably cultivated in Jeju-si, Yeoju-si and Gochang-gun. Peanut is vulnerable by soil pathogens until harvest because pods grow underground. In July 2022, symptoms of wilting aboveground were found in Yeoju-si and Wanju-gun. When the collected collars of peanuts were cut, it was confirmed that the vessel browned. Surface-sterilized soil- surfaces were plated on PDA medium and incubated at 25℃. Genomic DNA was extracted from three isolated strains (YJ1-2, YJ3-2 and JJ2-1), and was amplified using ITS4 and ITS5 primer set. Based on the ITS gene sequences, three strains were confirmed to highly similarity to Pythium myriotylum with 99%. To substantiate the athogenicity of strains, peanut seeds and P. myriotylum three strains were co-cultured on water agar to observe root growth. After eight days, root length measurements showed that all three strains inhibited peanut root growth. Also, the same symptom as in the field was observed when peanut plants were inoculated with P. myriotylum. This is the first report of peanut wilting disease caused by P. myriotylum on peanut in Korea.


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ㆍ담당자 기획조정과 김성종 ㆍ문의전화 063-238-5153 ㆍ갱신주기 년1회