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농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원


The effects of yield properties, antioxidant contents, and pollen viability of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis L.) response in temperature gradient greenhouse and growth periods

작성자 : 조회수 : 18 등록일 : 2024.02.13
작물기초기반과 서은지

The quality and yield of crops produced by field cultivation are expected to decrease for the recent global climate change caused by high temperature. The plant reproductive stage associated with crop yields is vulnerable to unusal temperatures. This study analyzed the yield properties, antioxidant contents, and pollen viability of ‘Arari’ adzuki bean (Vigna angularis L.) under high temperature stress in a temperature gradient greenhouse which forms 0 to 6°C above the outside in 2022, Miryang, Korea. We divided the growth periods by vegetative, anthesis and mature stage, and the highest period was vegetative stage compared by mean of DMT(daily mean temperature) among vegetative stage (con: 27.5℃, T4: 30.5℃), anthesis stage (con: 24.3℃, T4: 27.0℃), mature stage (con: 21.8℃, T4: 26.4℃). The lowest yield (4.15±3.15 g) was the highest temperature (T4: low, 21.4℃; average, 27.0℃; high, 34.6℃) during the anthesis stage. The growth and yield were good at 40.5℃ in the vegetative stage, but when the average temperature was 27.0℃ or higher, growth was poor and the yields were decreased during the flowering period. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents were increased and the pollen viability was 40.75% in the whole growth period by high temperature (T4: low, 22.9℃; average, 28.8℃; high, 36.9℃). These results represented that the antioxidant levels increased when the antioxidant component was affected at higher temperatures than normal temperatures and the pollen viability related yield decreased as the temperature increased. Our result are reported as the basic data for field growers and breeding of thermos-tolerance in adzuki beans to prepare for the changeable future climate.

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ㆍ담당부서 기획조정과 ㆍ문의전화 063-238-5153 ㆍ갱신주기 년1회