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농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원


‘Hyemalgeun’: A new Covered Barley Variety with Low Proanthocyanidin Content Suitable for Making Clear Sikhye

작성자 : 조회수 : 18 등록일 : 2024.02.13
작물육종과 이창현

To develop a barley variety suitable for making clear sikhye (traditional Korean rice beverage) with high enzyme activity and low proanthocyanidin content, artificial crossbreeding was conducted between ‘Topgolbori(IT56909)’ which has lodging resistance and high yield, and ‘Ant17-154’, which has low proanthocyanidin content. Subsequently, in 2010, the progeny was crossed again with ‘Hyemi’. After the F1 generation was produced in 2011, the F2-F3 generations were developed as a bulk from 2012 to 2013. In 2014-2015, elite lines with low proanthocyanidin content were selected from the F4-F5 generation through vanillin analysis. In 2016, the selected elite lines were tested as Observational yield trial(OYT), and the ‘IC10008-B-B-9-1’ line was selected. This selected line was recognized for its excellence after a two-years yield trial(2016-2017) and given the breeding line name “Jeonju518”. The regional yield trials(RYT) were conducted for ‘Hyemalgeun’ as a breeding line ‘Jeonju518“ in five different regions from 2019 to 2021(RDA).
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