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농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원


QTL analysis for chlorophyll content under low nitrogen conditions in RILs derived from Korean japonica rice to improve yield potential

작성자 : 조회수 : 21 등록일 : 2024.02.13
작물육종과 서정환

The flag leaf of rice supplies carbon assimilates to the panicle during the ripening stage. The high chlorophyll content of flag leaf under low nitrogen conditions could increase photosynthesis and it is one of the source traits that affect yield in rice. RIL population consists of 88 lines derived from a cross between two Korean japonica, JJ625LG (large grain breeding line) and Namchan (high- yielding variety under low nitrogen conditions). Two parents and 88 RILs were planted by two replications at the paddy field treated with low nitrogen fertilizer (4.5kg/10a). The chlorophyll content of flag leaves was collected at the full flowering stage using SPAD-502 plus. The genotyping of RILs was conducted using Target Capture Sequencing, and 511 informative SNPs were obtained. JJ625LG showed higher Chlorophyll contents of flag leaf and earlier heading date than Namchan. The average and range for chlorophyll contents of RILs were 39.1 and 35.2~44.1, respectively. The linkage map of RILs was constructed using 521 SNPs and represented 1841.3 cM for the total genetic length. Four QTLs for chlorophyll content were detected on chromosomes 1 and 8, explaining 70.7% of phenotypic variation. All alleles derived from JJ625LG showed a positive effect and qCCF1.1 presented the highest LOD, PVE, and additive effect among four QTLs. Besides, three heading date QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1, 2, and 8. qDTH8 was collocated with the same marker interval of qCCF8, and qDTH1 was mapped on 13 cM upstream of qCCF1.2. This result implies chlorophyll content could be related to the heading date in this population. QTLs identified in this study would be applied to improve yield potential under low nitrogen conditions.
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ㆍ담당부서 기획조정과 ㆍ문의전화 063-238-5153 ㆍ갱신주기 년1회