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Rural Development Administration National Institute of Crop Science


Upland Crop Breeding Division

We strive to improve food self-sufficiency and revitalize the industry by developing high-quality domestic varieties of soybean, sesame, perilla, peanut, adzuki bean, mung bean, sorghum and millet.
  • Develop, expand supply and industrialize soybean varieties for self-sufficiency of soybean according to its use
    • Distributing Seonpung and Daechan to substitute slow-maturing variety Daewon
    • Expanding supply of Seonyu No. 2 for high-quality double cropping of wheat and bean
    • Expanding commercialization of high yielding and highly functional black soybean Cheongja No. 5
      • Previously just for cooking → diversified uses (for fermentation, making soymilk, snacks, etc.)
  • Develop, widely distribute and industrialize oil crop varieties improved for mechanical harvesting and processing quality
    • Sesame : Haniall available for combine harvest, Milyang74 high in lignan content
    • Perilla : reducing labor for leaf harvesting and harvested specifically for the leaves, Saebom
      Peanut : high in oleic acid and grown exclusively ni Udo, UdoOle-1
  • Develop, distribute and industrialize high value-added millet, sorghum, adzuki bean, and mungbean varieties adaptable to various cropping systems
    • Sorghum : excellent for mechanical harvesting, Goenchal
    • Millet : Olechal
    • Adzuki bean : early maturity and small-sized grains, Hongda