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Rural Development Administration National Institute of Crop Science


Technology Service Division

We contribute to food production stability by expediting expansion of development technologies on-site and early distribution of new varieties, discover/foster young farmers and develop/distribute care farming technology.
  • Conduct pilot projects and on-site demonstration research in the food sector to disseminate new technologies
    • Operating new technology pilot projects in fields of rice, upland crops, and agro-healing
    • Operating joint demonstrations and research on new varieties and new technologies
  • Boost communication with the public through distribution of seeds from demonstration fields and promotion use of demo fields
    • Promoting expansion through distribution of excellent new varieties in response to on-site demand
    • Supporting field studies and technical training for farmers utilizing demo fields
  • Foster future farmers through selection of Young Star Farmers and customized consulting
    • Appointment of Young Star Farmers (79 people, 2021∼2023) and operation of Young Farmer School (40 sessions with 117 people)
  • Develop/disseminate care farming technology utilizing food crops by life cycle and type
    • Development of care farming programs for the aging population (6 sessions) and activities for children (8 sessions)