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Rural Development Administration National Institute of Crop Science


Crop Breeding Division

We strive to develop rice, barley and naked oat varieties for food security and industry vitalization.
  • Develop/promote floury rice varieties and provide a foundation for the rice processed food industry
    • World’s first commercialized floury rice variety : Baromi2
  • Develop/distribute high-quality rice cultivars to replace long-term cultivated varieties
    • Developed disease-resistant variety Chamdongjin to replace isogenic multiple Sindongjin suitable for long-term, large scale cultivation
  • Breeding long-grain rice cultivars for export to relieve over-supply of domestic rice and contribute to vitalizing export
    • Developed and exported Amissal, the first domestically produced long-grain japonica cultivar for export
  • Develop and distribute highly functional and consumer preferred barley varieties to vitalize the barley industry
    • Developed Beta-health, high in β-glucan content and Hyemalgeun for malt syrup used in clear sikhye (traditional sweet rice drink)